TPM Outdoor welcomes the 2010 Fifa World Cup South Africa with our the installation of graphic display out-of-home advertising (OOH advertising) for VISA at VivoCity.
It was reported in the Straits Times on Jan 17, 2010, that FIFA wants nearly 100 million Singapore dollars for the month-long World Cup. SingTel CEO Allen Lew had also been quoted that "FIFA has been asking for an unreasonable amount." But apparently, this “unreasonable” amount was revised only after Singtel won the EPL rights from its rival Starhub with an unbeatable bid amount... More analysis from news junkie, Abhijit at Pressnet.
"Spend and Win; Then Scream and Shout in South Africa!"
So head on to VivoCity and shop your hearts out. Sounds like the only alternative way to enjoy the World Cup since Singaporeans may miss out watching live games over the cable thanks to the Singtel/ Starhub - FIFA.
