TPM had recently completed the media placement for CIMB Bank in the Jakarta International Airport (Soekarno-Hatta) Indonesia. These placements were focused in the international departure areas of T2D and T2E.

A special note about the suspended lightbox at T2D – ie. The landscape visual of 0.8m H x 8.0m W, these 2 lightboxes are located just in front of the business lounges for first class and business class passengers. These must be one of the best locations for departure placement in the airport ;)

Date Spotted: 15 Jul 2009
Location: The Jakarta International Airport (Soekarno-Hatta) Indonesia
With the recent Jakarta twin bombings at the J W Marriott and the Ritz Carlton, we express our heartfelt condolences to the people and their families who have suffered pain and losses. Thankfully, no TPM personnel were affected although one of our business associates had a close shave since he had a 7.30pm meeting nearby the hotels on the night before the bombing incident. If the meeting was a 730am meeting instead, I guess the consequence may have been fatal.
A special note about the suspended lightbox at T2D – ie. The landscape visual of 0.8m H x 8.0m W, these 2 lightboxes are located just in front of the business lounges for first class and business class passengers. These must be one of the best locations for departure placement in the airport ;)

Location: The Jakarta International Airport (Soekarno-Hatta) Indonesia
With the recent Jakarta twin bombings at the J W Marriott and the Ritz Carlton, we express our heartfelt condolences to the people and their families who have suffered pain and losses. Thankfully, no TPM personnel were affected although one of our business associates had a close shave since he had a 7.30pm meeting nearby the hotels on the night before the bombing incident. If the meeting was a 730am meeting instead, I guess the consequence may have been fatal.