Tiger Beer's Interactive Games Den

The Orchard Underpass has been transformed into an interactive games den by the Asia Pacific Breweries Singapore's Tiger Beer in its current “Enjoy Winning” campaign. Pedestrians can take part in eight interactive games and enjoy “winning moments” and friendly rivalry.

This execution also highlights that interactive outdoor is not necessarily synonymous with digital outdoor. Essentially, interactive means a two-way street between the brand and its target audience. As much as the brand is trying to communicate its offerings and values, it must also create an avenue for the target audience to empathise with it. Thus even with the recent proliferation of LED/LCD/ Plasmas and blue-cast technology into digital outdoor, the interactive element still has much room for growth.

One key concern about unleashing full interactivity is the lack of moderation – or better known as the “Youtube dilemma”/ “A Slippery Slope of Censorship at YouTube” But I guess this campaign’s moderation lies in the white-board eraser and the next member of the public who wish to leave their (temporary) mark behind…

Via: Marketing
Date: May 2008
Location: Orchard Underpass
Format: Creative/ Ambient

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