Adidas is one brand that knows outdoor advertising very well and has harnessed it to create many guerrilla marketing campaigns that are form unique and lasting impressions.
Adidas’s outdoor advertising executions are interactive ie. highly engaging to the audience. They are also well targeted at their intended audience for that particular campaign - youngster, runners, football enthusiasts etc. They were also careful to make their brand expandable, making us pay through our noses for either extreme of the fashion range of the Classics and Stella McCarthy. Some of my favourite works:
Date: Aug 2006 (during Fashion Week)
Via: Thomas Rockstar
Location: Pilestraede, Copenhagen
Intention: To entice customers to go to their new store launched in Pilestraede, Copenhagen
during fashion week.
How/ Mechanism: By filling the fountain at ‘Enhave Plads’ with small blue rubber ducks. People who picked up the ducks will read on their side: “I’ve swum too far - help me get back home!” and on the bottom: “Reward for my return at Adidas Original store”. Customers that bring the the duck back to the store they received a free t-shirt!
Date: Jul 2006
Via: Caffeine Marketing
Location: Leidse Square, Amsterdam
Intention: To launch of new Adidas Classics concept store in the vicinity.
How/ Mechanism: What’s there to say really…?
Actually, TPM Outdoor Productions is also part of Adidas’ outdoor advertising campaigns in Singapore on a regular basis. In fact, we are the appointed production house for the advertising needs at Queensway Shopping Centre, Singapore.
The magnitude of work at this location is very large and given the very tight deadlines, I cannot honestly proclaim that these our best works. Nonetheless, the impact created at this targeted location combined with the interesting creative and execution, the audience always have strong impressions Adidas at Queensway Shopping Centre.
With so many sporting events coming up, the next change will be coming up soon. Do go over to Queensway Shopping Centre to see its next change… Could it be EPL next?
Adidas’s outdoor advertising executions are interactive ie. highly engaging to the audience. They are also well targeted at their intended audience for that particular campaign - youngster, runners, football enthusiasts etc. They were also careful to make their brand expandable, making us pay through our noses for either extreme of the fashion range of the Classics and Stella McCarthy. Some of my favourite works:
Date: Aug 2006 (during Fashion Week)
Via: Thomas Rockstar
Location: Pilestraede, Copenhagen

during fashion week.
How/ Mechanism: By filling the fountain at ‘Enhave Plads’ with small blue rubber ducks. People who picked up the ducks will read on their side: “I’ve swum too far - help me get back home!” and on the bottom: “Reward for my return at Adidas Original store”. Customers that bring the the duck back to the store they received a free t-shirt!
Date: Jul 2006
Via: Caffeine Marketing
Location: Leidse Square, Amsterdam

How/ Mechanism: What’s there to say really…?
Actually, TPM Outdoor Productions is also part of Adidas’ outdoor advertising campaigns in Singapore on a regular basis. In fact, we are the appointed production house for the advertising needs at Queensway Shopping Centre, Singapore.
