Another whirlwind trip to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia last week.
Comparative to the outdoor advertising scene in Jarkata, Indonesia which I was introduced to recently, the scene in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia is slightly more mature in terms of size of display and its orderliness. The structure were also more "professional looking" ie. sturdier and have better finishing.
Despite so, preliminary research on the Internet yielded that the outdoor advertising market size in Malaysia is only 2% of overall adspend in 2006. This is only RM~76.4mil, compared to the over RM2bil for adspend in newspapers! Considering the quality of newspapers advertising and outdoor advertising in Malaysia, I am surprised by such statistics. But perhaps I am only narrowly looking at this from a Kuala Lumpur perspective. However, it is heartening to see that ACNielsen also indicated that outdoor advertising is the fastest growing adspend segment with a yoy growth of ~37% compared to the shrinkage of the newspapers' segment of -1.1%in 2005.

One growth avenue in outdoor advertising is in ambient advertising. It is evident seeing the aggressive and creative branding of LRT (Light Rail Transit) stations around the city belts like the Imbiah station. Other forms of transits such as the ERL (Express Rail Link) which serves between KLIA and the city are also jumping onto this new revenue source.
Not enough pictures, I know, but then again, I don't foresee that it will be my last trip to Kuala Lumpur (KL) Malaysia in the next month or so. We are about to commence on a mega project within the month of August - More to be revealed in latter postings...!
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Comparative to the outdoor advertising scene in Jarkata, Indonesia which I was introduced to recently, the scene in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia is slightly more mature in terms of size of display and its orderliness. The structure were also more "professional looking" ie. sturdier and have better finishing.
Despite so, preliminary research on the Internet yielded that the outdoor advertising market size in Malaysia is only 2% of overall adspend in 2006. This is only RM~76.4mil, compared to the over RM2bil for adspend in newspapers! Considering the quality of newspapers advertising and outdoor advertising in Malaysia, I am surprised by such statistics. But perhaps I am only narrowly looking at this from a Kuala Lumpur perspective. However, it is heartening to see that ACNielsen also indicated that outdoor advertising is the fastest growing adspend segment with a yoy growth of ~37% compared to the shrinkage of the newspapers' segment of -1.1%in 2005.

One growth avenue in outdoor advertising is in ambient advertising. It is evident seeing the aggressive and creative branding of LRT (Light Rail Transit) stations around the city belts like the Imbiah station. Other forms of transits such as the ERL (Express Rail Link) which serves between KLIA and the city are also jumping onto this new revenue source.
Not enough pictures, I know, but then again, I don't foresee that it will be my last trip to Kuala Lumpur (KL) Malaysia in the next month or so. We are about to commence on a mega project within the month of August - More to be revealed in latter postings...!
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