Road accidents in Singapore seem to on a rise. This is despite the Traffic Police of Singapore governing the roads with some of the most stringent rules in world such as - no handphones/ mobile phones while driving, compulsory belting up for back seat passengers and the frequent spot checks for drunk-driving offenses. So maybe punishment is not enough, but education is needed.
Paris Hilton's drunk-driving offense in 2006 only landed her 36 months' probation, alcohol education and US$1,500 in fines. It is only because Paris Hilton had violated her probation that she is readying herself for the 45 days imprisonment. Wait till she drives in Singapore! Those found guilty of drink driving in Singapore can be fined up to S$5,000, or jailed up to six months and banned from driving for at least a year. Even our local celebrities such as Christopher Lee and Benedict Goh may be expected to serve time for the offenses in drunk driving (DUI)
TPM Outdoor Productions was able to help the Traffic Police of Singapore in conducting alcohol education through the use of outdoor advertisements to spread the safety message and consequences. Outdoor advertising is effective as it directly targets the road-users. Furthermore the Traffic Police times these execution well in the busiest nightlife areas and during festive periods.
Location 1: People's Park Centre, Chinatown
Format: Trivision, sticker - with 2 faces (English and Chinese version)
Message: Targeting Drunk-Driving in Singapore (DUI)
Date: Mar 2007
The Traffic Police has turned their efforts towards education on other traffic offenses. In view of the lack of festive period now, the Traffic Police is right to avoid message fatigue (or being like a mother/ long-winded) to the audience.
The GREAT SINGAPORE SALES (GSS) starts today 25 May 2007. But don't rush across the road just for a new sale at the other side of Orchard Road during the Great Singapore Sales, because Jaywalking Kills...
Location 2: People's Park Complex, Chinatown
Format: Frontlit banner
Message: Targeting Jaywalking in Singapore
Date: May 2007
Paris Hilton's drunk-driving offense in 2006 only landed her 36 months' probation, alcohol education and US$1,500 in fines. It is only because Paris Hilton had violated her probation that she is readying herself for the 45 days imprisonment. Wait till she drives in Singapore! Those found guilty of drink driving in Singapore can be fined up to S$5,000, or jailed up to six months and banned from driving for at least a year. Even our local celebrities such as Christopher Lee and Benedict Goh may be expected to serve time for the offenses in drunk driving (DUI)
TPM Outdoor Productions was able to help the Traffic Police of Singapore in conducting alcohol education through the use of outdoor advertisements to spread the safety message and consequences. Outdoor advertising is effective as it directly targets the road-users. Furthermore the Traffic Police times these execution well in the busiest nightlife areas and during festive periods.

Format: Trivision, sticker - with 2 faces (English and Chinese version)
Message: Targeting Drunk-Driving in Singapore (DUI)
Date: Mar 2007
The Traffic Police has turned their efforts towards education on other traffic offenses. In view of the lack of festive period now, the Traffic Police is right to avoid message fatigue (or being like a mother/ long-winded) to the audience.
The GREAT SINGAPORE SALES (GSS) starts today 25 May 2007. But don't rush across the road just for a new sale at the other side of Orchard Road during the Great Singapore Sales, because Jaywalking Kills...

Format: Frontlit banner
Message: Targeting Jaywalking in Singapore
Date: May 2007